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Danielle Smissaert / 22STARS ambassador: Amsterdam (NL)

our ambassadors

Let me introduce to you one of our six new Ambassadors: Danielle Smissaert !

danielle smissaert

22STARS jewellery does not only look good, but does also beautiful things for the women in Uganda!

Danielle works as a Business Proces Professional at Accenture in Amsterdam. She is a very busy lady and has always a filled up agenda. Daan, as we call her, likes to go to the cinema or a museum on rainy days. When the sun shines you can find her chilling in a boat on the cannels of Amsterdam or dancing at a festival. She also started meditating with the Shambala Group last Summer and believes in Buddhism. Daan is a very passionate person and loves to help others. In the past she did already volunteer work at Don Bosco Jonathan; an organization that helps homeless youth. When Danielle found out that 22STARS jewellery not only looks good, but does also beautiful things for the women in Uganda, she wanted to know more about the company and get involved. Her favourite 22STARS item is the Kizza bracelet and she is very exited to sell 22STARS jewellery at some Sunday Markets and Festivals in Amsterdam!

Shop now Daan’s favourite item: The Kizza bracelet

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