Anena Jennifer was born on 6th February 1993 in Lamor Agoro and she has been living in the Acholi quarters for 11 years.
When her parents were killed by the LRA her uncle took care of her, but when he died she was mistreated by his wife. She has been diagnosed with epilepsia and for this reason her husban left her, and she is now a single mother taking care of her 3 kids.
Jennifer in the past had a really hard time because the whole community would look badly upon her disease but thanks to the counseling of Susan Laker she is now in a better situation. Her daughter Sophia is also sponsored by the 22 stars kids Foundation.
Jennifer doesn’t have any other income besides making jewelry, so for her being part of this program was really importante because she has managed to rent a house and provide food for her kids and school materials for Sophia.
Jennifer’s inspirational quote: “Thanks to 22 Stars I was able to get some money to buy food and school material for my child to go to school. I really want to keep working so that my other two kids can also go to school”.