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Joy Nabirye

Posted on by Stella Airoldi

Joy was born in Eastern Uganda on 16/05/1989. She came to Jinja to look for work. She got married when she was 16 years old. She went to school up until primary 3. She has two children: Munusi Lucky and Nabulaga Jalsi. She used to have two more children, but they died of illness when very little. Besides necklaces she is selling soap to support her family, but her income is very low and she has to walk every day a lot to reach her customers. Her husband is a bodaboda driver (a motorbike taxi), a dangerous job and gets paid very little. The couple has a lot of problems because of his infidelity, but they cannot divorced.

One of Joy’s children, Munus Lucky, is supported by the foundation 22STARS through the provision of school fees and school uniform. The foundation in 2017 has also provided Joy with a small business training, through which she has learnt to operate a business successfully in all its aspects (strategic, financial etc).

Project Details:

Categories: Jinja Designers
Client: Joy Nabikye