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Posted on by Stella Airoldi

KISAKYE ZUENA (60 years old) was born in Mbale in East Uganda. She speaks Lusoga, Luganda and Lugisu: three African languages that are very different from each other. Zuena used to have her own business in selling fish, she bought the fish in Jinja and sold it in Mbale. At one point there were more customers in Jinja, so she decided to move to Jinja and to sell it from here also to people in Kenia. However because of the war in Kenia it became unsafe for her to go there and she lost clients for her fish. Now she is in Jinja for five years and started to make jewellery. Zuena has 6 children with 9 grandchildren. Her husband died many years ago. She is living with five of her grandchildren who take care of her. Her favourite colour is green.

One of her children is supported by the foundation 22STARS through the provision of school fees and school uniform. The foundation in 2017 has also provided Zuena with a small business training, through which she has learnt to operate a business successfully in all its aspects (strategic, financial etc).

Project Details:

Categories: Jinja Designers