Lanyero Stella was born in 1985 in Kitgum Lagoro and she has been living in the Acholi Quarter for the past 15 years. She does not know her exact date of birth and since her and Stella have the same name and are born in 1985 they decided to celebrate their birthday together last year (2017). That was her first time ever celebrating her birthday! She is separated from her husband who moved away and is not supporting his children.
Stella has been also diagnosed with gonorreha, and has been discriminated by her extended family because of this and because she has 3 children from 2 different man.
Two of her children (Emmanuel and Joel) are sponsored by the Foundation 22STARS. Besides making jewelry Stella sells fruit in the streets. Thanks to the jewelry program she has been able to earn enough money to buy food for her children, school materials and to rent a house.
She now dreams of earning enough money to buy the materials she needs for her shop and to be able to earn more money to provide her children with a better future.
Stella’s inspirational quote: “Be strong in your heart because there isn’t a single condition that will last forever. Everything will get better.”