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Lucy Lanyero

Posted on by Stella Airoldi

Lucy Lanyero (52 years old) was born in Gulu, in Northern Uganda. Like many of our designers Lucy was directly affected by the LRA and war. She could not finish her school, because life in her village became very hard. Luckily her uncle was working for the Ugandan Airlines and got her a job for this company in Kampala where she worked for 16 years, after which she became unemployed and was not able to find a new job.
Lucy had some savings, which she used to live for the first years. But she did not wanted to sit home and do nothing, so she decided to start volunteering in a church. Since Lucy could not afford the high rent in her old area, she moved to the Acholi Quarters to live with her sisters and started learning how to make jewellery from recycled paper and started to make a living again.
She is a single mother of two children and she hopes to be able to make some money to pay her school fees and give them a better future.

Project Details:

Categories: Acholi Quarter Designers
Client: Lucy Lanyero