Sponsor a child


❤ IMMACULATE IS SPONSORED BY ROMANA AIROLDI OOSTERBEEK ❤ Immaculate wants to become a fashion designer. When she was only 5 years old she already played with dolls and made clothes for them, using her hands and a needle. She wants to make all kind of clothes for everyone. Her life has not been easy, as she struggled with many illnesses and is still quite often sick and suffers from yellow fever by times. She is only child as her mother -22STARS artisan Atim Alice – nearly died when giving birth to her and since then had to undergo various operations on her stomach. Besides schoolfees Immaculate has to buy material for the exams, pay for the transport to school, and she needs to rent an iron machine everyday to iron the clothing she is making. Immaculate thought that she was not able to participate in the exams this term, as she did not got all schoolfees together, when we called her and told her we had donations for her first term so she could still make the exam she was crying. She is very thankful. ❤