by Stella Airoldi | Aug 27, 2014 | Markets and Festivals
21 and 22 June 22STARS had a stall at the Shoeless Openair Festival! Watch here the movie I made from the day and the pictures! Check out our Agenda to see at which markets/festivals 22STARS is and hope to see you there! -xoxoxox-...
by Stella Airoldi | Aug 11, 2014 | Markets and Festivals
22STARS will have a stall at the Magneet festival in Asmterdam on Saturday 23rd, Sunday 24th and Saturday 30th of August. INFO MAGNEET FESTIVAL | 22 – 23 – 24 AUGUSTUS EN 29 – 30 – 31 AUGUSTUS Magneet Festival is een evenement waarbij bezoekers...
by Stella Airoldi | Jun 26, 2014 | Markets and Festivals
Hi Guys! Sunday 06 July we will have a stall at the Roots festival! This is a very special festival which is different from the other ones. At Roots music from the whole worlds comes together and also at the market you will find products from all over the world. Come...
by Stella Airoldi | Jun 10, 2014 | Markets and Festivals
Post by 22stars. Shoeless Blijburg Ram-bam-bam-bam. Het is het midst van de zomer. De dagen lang en de nachten kort. Het is zondagavond, de laatste zonnestralen van de ondergaande zon vervlechten met de rook uit de rookmachine. Je hebt twee volle dagen dansen in de...